What’s Out Tonight?

A general ASTRONOMY site to get you started exploring the night sky

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Mars will be very bright & “big” this January 2025

September 2024 Sky Chart

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Just click on the image to the left to print this
4-page PDF doc.

Useful anywhere in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere including the continental US, Hawaii, Europe, Japan, etc. Optimized for 1.5 hours after sunset but can be used for several hours after that. Indicates visible planets and best objects for binoculars and telescopes. Packed with facts, mythology, Moon phases, meteor showers and more. For other months, see the archive below.

September 2024 Notes

 About 90 minutes after Sunset

Venus is low in the West and sets about 1.5 hours after the Sun. Saturn is low in the East, in the constellation Aquarius and is visible most of the night—it is near the Circlet of Pisces. Saturn is not conspicuously bright and can be easy to miss. Jupiter, in Taurus rises in the East around midnight. Jupiter is alway bright and easy to spot. Mars, in Gemini rises a little after Jupiter and will rival Jupiter in brightest during January 2025.

This is the month for the Summer Triangle because it is directly overhead and stretches/points due South. The thickest and brightest part of the Milky Way Band hovers at the horizon, just west of due South. Looking north, Cassiopeia is level with and to the right of Polaris, the North Star. The Big Dipper is on the opposite side but the bowl hangs lower, toward the horizon. Follow the curved handle of the Big Dipper to the bright star Arcturus hanging lower due West. Oh, if you get up before sunrise and look east, you will find Orion on its side.

Sky Chart Archives

July 2024
August 2024
September 2024
October 2024
November 2024
December 2024

January 2024
February 2024
March 2024
April 2024
May 2024
June 2024

December 2023

Header Image
The celestial image used for this site's header is part of the Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant in the constellation Cygnus (the Swan) visible throughout most of the summer and fall. This triangular wedge is a fainter part somewhat between the two major sections that make up the Veil Nebula and it is called Pickering’s Triangle. I took this image using a 6-inch diameter refractor telescope.