What’s Out Tonight?

A general ASTRONOMY site to get you started exploring the night sky

Other Astronomy Sites & Related Resources

Suggestions for additional entries are welcome! Email Ken Graun

Astronomy magazine  • Best for Amateurs
Sky & Telescope magazine
SkyNews in Canada

Popular Sites

FREE full-functioning Planetarium Program
Stellarium • For PC & Mac computers

Helpful Sites for Exploring the Sky
Solar Activity
Satellite Tracking & Comets, plus
Atmospheric Optics
SpaceWeather • Sunspot count and more
NASA Solar System Information
Astronomy Picture of the Day
In-the-Sky.org • A site like What's Out Tonight?

Spacecrafts and their Missions
Perseverance Rover on Mars
Hubble Space Telescope Images
Webb Telescope & Images
International Space Station 3-D Model

Sites recommended by Kids exploring Astronomy and Space
Email me, Ken Graun to have your child’s site listed here.

 Astronomy Resources for Kids  (from Logan) 
 Neil Armstrong Links  (from Jon)

Helpful Sites for Students & Kids
Beginner’s Guide to Stargazing for Kids 
Space Elevators & Other Student Astronomy Links
NOVA Search for videos on Astronomy